Why You Should Be a Change Agent in Catholic Church

💡💡💡If you are unhappy with the state of things you can do two things:

1️⃣ Do nothing except complain

2️⃣ Be an agent of change yourself

I used to simply lament about my situation. Vent. Vent. More venting. Some days I took up so much hot air I could have probably filled a hot-air balloon!

Taking perspective and focusing on being more self-aware. According to 1 Peter 5:7, “Cast all your worries upon him because he cares for you.” Trusting in Jesus has helped to energize me and in turn motivate me to act toward bettering me life.

Saintly Agents in the War on Evil

Athanasius of Alexandria, Catherine of Siena, Francis of Assisi, John Paul II all lived during transitory and tumultuous times. Times when it appeared truth would lose. Cooperating with the Holy Spirit, these saints were granted a tremendous ability to push for change.

Agents of Change

More Examples of Change Agents

My literary heroes C. S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien both lamented about the lack of quality content in their niche. What did they do? They become the leading experts and content creators in the fantasy genre. Without their initiative we would not know about hobbits or the magical world of Narnia 🦁.

Today, I am seeing the Catholic Church in a dismal state. Theological confusion from leadership and abuses scandals test the laity’s faith. This leaves many disengaged & disheartened by the current states of affairs.

Fight or Flight in the Face of Flames?

🔥It is easy to leave a burning building when it is going up in flames. But what if that building contains the very thing that gives you life, excitement, tenacity, peace, joy, courage, & wonder? Would it be so easy to leave?

🔥Our life is not our own. We were created to love God first, others second, & ourselves third.

🔥Do you abandon the ark away from the flames into the watery chaos of the secular world?

🔥Or do you plunge further into the flames of suffering as a means to meet the true fire of God’s love?

🔥Will you be an agent of change or simply complain, do nothing, & eventually leave?

🔥The choice is yours. Be a Change Agent and help cleanse the Church!

Thank you for sharing!