A Sneak Peek of “Lessons about democracy in ‘Justice League – Rule of War Lessons about democracy in ‘Justice League – Rule of War'”

Justice League Rule of War
Fine line between protection and absolute power.

Here’s a brief snippet of my latest article for Voyage Comics & Publishing. Enjoy! 😊

🔰 Thomas Jefferson wrote, “The issue today is the same as it has been throughout all history, whether man shall be allowed to govern himself or be ruled by a small elite.”

It feels like he penned that phrase yesterday.

🔰 Self-governance is something achievable when the people hold a common truth and trust of each other.

The greatest dictators accumulated power during a crisis. At first there’s a promise of protection. Rulers tell the people how they will safeguard against outside (or sometimes inside) threats.

🔰 Little by little freedoms are given up in the name of safety. Justice League Rule of War (Issues 48-50) shows how easy it is for protectors to transform into tyrants.

Read on to learn more ⤵️

Voyage Comics

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