The Melting of the Cold: A Poem

At transition times of the year or in changes of temperatures (from warm to cold or vice versa) I get inspired by the beauty in the changes of nature.

Here’s a poem I wrote born out of my gratitude for the melting of the snow.

The Melting of the Cold

Drip. Drip. Dripping.

The sound of water flowing down the hill quickens.

Hints of spring; and soon the arrival of chickens’

Eggs being collected. Growth and sprouts will soon be about.

Sun beaming bright. This is great cause to smile and shout.

The cold is melting. Melting slow but steady.

After blizzards, ice, and dark days we’re finally ready

Ready for the return of a season of bud, bug, and bicycle.

The melting of the cold is the beginning of the arrival of
this new season cycle.

More Poems by The Simple Catholic

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Some Autumnal Afterthoughts: A Poem

Here’s a poem I wrote in reflection of seeing the beautiful colors on a tree I saw this morning. I’m trying to be more intentional in finding joy in life. I ended up turning around to get a better photo of the amazing fall colors on these trees.
Autumn Trees
Hope you enjoy!
Some Autumnal Afterthoughts
🍁 Beauty is often found in the ordinary.
Yet, it’s not always expected.
🍁 Sometimes you find it by happenchance.
Serendipity. Fate. Perhaps Divine Providence.
🍁 The constant is it’s all around.
Through sight, smell or sound.
🍁 In thought or sharing laughter.
No matter the weatherβ€” winter, summer or fall.
🍁 You will find beauty in all
When you seek beauty you will be free,
🍁To see it in everything, even in something as simple as this tree.
And though the world changes: friendships, ages, even a shift in chlorophyll
🍁 When you are open to beauty and be still
Wonderment begins to color your eyes
🍁 And see life as it is meant to beβ€” free from it’s guise.
Β© 2022 Matthew Chicoine
More Seasonal Content from The Simple Catholic:

Unexpected Joys on a Summer Morn

A Snow Story to Keep Spirits High

Thank you for sharing!

An Ode to the ADHD Storyteller

Here’s the thing about ADHD,

You go from A-Z in a second or three.

See someone and greet “hey!”

It leads to horses who love to eat hay.

But the bails of hay make you ponder a barn, that’s all.

This barn it’s decked out in red. Wall to wall.

Boards. Not bored. You can’t be bored with board games.

How you wish you could gather again with your gents & dames.

Playing chess, checkers, or maybe the most aptβ€”Jumanji!

Nostalgic for all the memes about 2020 that made you almost pee.

Laughter was the only medicine it seemed from the isolation,

ridiculousness, weirdness, & cancellation.

Cancelled? It’s what I seriously thought about doing to my Netflix account,

when they failed to renew The Office (it wasn’t tantamount).

This word tantamount reminds me of a tarantula.

I can’t tell you why. But have you read Dracula?

No, not the Twilight version, Edward shimmering in the light.

The original vampire story. A novel idea isn’t that right?

Right, write, or was it Wright as in Wilbur and Orville?

Not the popcorn creator silly, but the fathers of aviation.

It’s amazing how much progress was made in our nation.

Soar high your ambitions, speak kindly to others like the honey of a bee.

I promised you I’d go from A-Z yet how did I only make it to B in three?

Thank you for sharing!

Unexpected Joys on a Summer Morn

Jogging in morning

I woke up last Tuesday morning to a sky full of blue.

I pondered about what I was to do.

Children woke up earlyβ€”rambunctious and vociferous.

Realized I needed to get a little adventurous!

Baby and toddler in tow, I took them in the stroller for an amble.

Running,running brings me such joy. It was worth the gamble.

A gamble? You ask. Why yes, see the sunlight causes the baby to be afraid.

Shade. An umbrella. Anything will suffice. Blessed be the stroller shade!

Running, running, running strong. Oh no!

I am running low. Low on energy. Low so low.

Doubt creeps in. Do I stop? Do I go on?

Fatigue. Weariness. My will power is failing.

I cross a genteel man sitting atop a rockβ€”smiling

With a baby upon his lap.

His simple gaze allowed my to continue on the jogging lap.

Half point reached. Hooray! Ahead of pace.

About to pass the bus stop and there is a face.

A figure in red shirt and teal shorts. Hidden partially by the glow of dawn.

Looks like he donned a straw stitched hat. Don?

My thoughts wander thinking about his name.

By this time I have passed by the same

Genteel man with the baby upon his lap.

His kind smile I reply with a wave as I finish my last part of the lap.

Rounding the home stretch in kicks my mettle.

I refuse to settle

For anything less than a strong finish.

The unexpected joys sustained me. Never did I diminish.

I am grateful for the simple joys from that Tuesday morn.

When you are open to the little joys in life you will never be forlorn.

Not alone

Thank you for sharing!