Our Hope is in God Alone

Fear mongering occurs when you want to manipulate a group of people to take certain actions. Both the Republicans and Democrats are guilty of it.

You truly won’t know the time of the coming of the Lord. But at the same time not every single election is Armageddon.

Fear not in the unknown. Put on the armor of faith and hold up your shield of hope.

I’ve already endured the hell of losing two unborn babies to miscarriage so nothing rattles my faith anymore.

Suffering (redemptive suffering that is) is a great source of healing for our woundedness due to sin.

Jesus told his disciples to let him help, “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” You don’t have to fear if you entrust your troubles to Christ.

Don’t place your ambitions, hopes, and dreams in worldly leaders. You will only be disappointed. Jesus alone saves. If you must rely on a human than ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to lead you to her Son. She’s our great Advocate and Guide to the Savior.

Voting as a Catholic

No matter what happens in politics and elections (this one and future ones) God reigns supreme.

Pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit to vote in accordance with Truth and your conscience.

May God bless the USA!

Thank you for sharing!

Prayer Before an Election

I urge everyone to humbly pray for wisdom and discernment in voting for the candidates. Voting is a right and a privilege that cannot be taken lightly. Take a moment before entering the ballot box to ask for clarity of selection for the candidates who will best serve office and upholding the dignity of human life at all stages: from womb to tomb and every stage in between!

Lord God, as the election approaches,

we seek to better understand the issues and concerns that confront our city/state/country,

and how the Gospel compels us to respond as faithful citizens in our community.

We ask for eyes that are free from blindness

so that we might see each other as brothers and sisters,

one and equal in dignity,

especially those who are victims of abuse and violence, deceit and poverty.

We ask for ears that will hear the cries of children unborn and those abandoned,

Men and women oppressed because of race or creed, religion or gender.

We ask for minds and hearts that are open to hearing the voice of leaders who will bring us closer to your Kingdom.

We pray for discernment

so that we may choose leaders who hear your Word,

live your love,

and keep in the ways of your truth

as they follow in the steps of Jesus and his Apostles

and guide us to your Kingdom of justice and peace.

We ask this in the name of your Son Jesus Christ and through the power of the Holy Spirit.


Thank you for sharing!