3 Things I Learned about Life from Mowing the Lawn

According to author Joyce Meyer, “Even if you think the grass is greener on the other side, you’re going to have to mow that side too.” I got to thinking about grass, growth, and the greener side of things during a rare backyard mowing session. Due to precipitation from the late summer thunderstorms and the extended time between mowings, it took longer than usual to mow.

Mowing the Lawn

The sound of the lawn mower combined with the cool from a steady breeze allowed me mind to wander. I got to thinking, “I wish I trimmed the grass more often. It is like I am in a jungle out here!’ Mowing more frequently will make cutting the lawn easier. I also learned the following lessons about life as I gave my backyard its much needed haircut!

Cut Concerns Down with Consistency

“Part of courage is simple consistency,” Peggy Noonan, former speech writer for the late President Ronald Reagan stated. Maintaining frequency and a steady habit when it comes to your work and family life go a long ways in trimming down trouble. Probably the single because reasons for my success in dealing with irate customers was that I consistency approached the situations with tried and true methods to address and resolve their concerns. When you discover a process that work for your particular situation don’t change it. You may have to adjust your approach from time to time. You will likely have to tailor your service to fit client or customer needs, but the overall approach is consistency.

consistently grateful

As a writer, I have learned that my best success occurs when I am consistently creating content. I make it my goal to post at least 2-3 times a week to ensure I am reaching you my audience. If I go on a sudden writing hiatus, you will be disenchanted about my work. You may get bummed you did not see the latest article. Eventually, if the erraticness goes to long, an audience could leave. I would be bummed as well! I enjoy hearing your feedback. I enjoy seeing my favorite bloggers write regularly.

Being consistent builds trust. Consistent communication between a husband and wife forges trust. Consistent content generation helps businesses establish with their customers. Be consistent. Mow the lawn frequently and your grass will shine green for you!

Socks Religious

Grow Consistently and Healthily with Gratitude

Want to experience a joy that is unshakable and frequently visited? Let’s do an experiment! Think of all the things you are thankful for! Set a timer for 2 minutes. Jot down all the blessings in your life. I ensure you when you reflect on this list you will find an otherworldly joy that cannot be taken from you if you practice gratitude consistently and authentically.

Graze down the weeds of despair with the scythe of thanksgiving.

Friendship is a Fertilizer for Long-Term and Natural Growth


The third life lesson I learned while mowing is that relationships matter. St. Thomas Aquinas once declared, “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.” True friends listen to you and also are truthful enough to provide you a push to be a better person. My wife is my best friend and toughest critic. She supports me and challenges me to be a better person.

Along with gratitude, friendships acts as a catalyst and fertilizer for character growth. Lifelong friends help the best as they help you weather the harshest of climates. Love yourself by embracing the love of your friends. Let them shower you with kindness, advice, and learning opportunities.

While we wish for greener lawns (or pastures),  it is important to realize that true and lasting growth does not come right away. Daily gratitude and frequently relying on your closest friends provide the best environment for growth. Start mowing down the concerns in your life now!

Thank you for sharing!
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