Missed the Solar Eclipse? God’s Plans Shine Brighter

I was excited to witness this rare celestial event. A solar eclipse. Moon blocking the sun. But God had other plans for me.

It was nearing 12:43pm. I had a work meeting at 1pm but I got there way early so I wouldn’t miss the eclipse. As I continued down the road the sky remained cloudy.

There wasn’t any sunlight to be seen. I resigned myself that I would miss out on seeing this awesome event. And it turned out to be the case. The eclipse occurred and from my vantagepoint it was another day. A mundane, cloudy one at that.

As I reflected on missing out on the solar event I realized that God is still in control. He is King of the Universe. He can control when solar eclipses happen and when people can see them (or can’t see them). It may have seemed like another boring day and that is how our spiritual life is like.

Life Rarely Goes as Planned

The 2024 Solar Eclipse. On the Feast of the Annunciation of our Lord. It had the perfect story. And for many people in the path of totality they had the blessings to seeing this amazing scene. But oftentimes God shows up in the mundane. In the uneventful and ordinary affairs of life.

Socks Religious

While Easter celebrates the profound event of the Resurrection, Jesus worked humbly for years in the quiet and ordinary. Today is an amazing day whether you saw the eclipse or not.

God has a plan for you (even if you don’t feel or know fully about it now). Comment “Cloudy weather” if you couldn’t witness the solar eclipse.

Thank you for sharing!
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